Spanish Baby Girl Names

Modern, Unique and Popular Spanish Baby Girl Names With Meanings A to Z

 Name  Meanings
Baldomera bold; famous
Basiana acute judgment
Batolomea child of Talmai
Begonia begonia
Belarmina beautiful armor
Belen Bethlehem
Belicia dedicated to God
Belinda beautiful. Literature: a name coined by ..
Benicio benevolent one
Benigna kind
Benilde a form of Benilda
Benita a form of Benedicta
Benjamina a form of Benjamin
Bibi a form of Bebe
Bienvenida welcome
Bolivia Geography: Bolivia is a country in South..
Bonita pretty
Bonnie a familiar form of Bonita
Bonny a familiar form of Bonita
Bonosa willingly; with kindness
Bricia a form of Bridget
Brisa beloved. Mythology: Briseis was the Gree..
Briselda a form of Bridget
Buena good
Cabeza head
Cailida adoring
Calala a familiar form of Chandelaria
Calida warm; ardent
Calisto a form of Calista
Camino road
Canceta a form of Concetta
Cancia native of Anzio, Italy
Cancianila a form of Cancia
Cancianna a form of Cancia
Canda a short form of Chandelaria
Candela candle; fire
Candelaria a form of Chandelaria
Candelas candle; fire
Candi a familiar form of Chandelaria
Carem a form of Karen
Carmelo a form of Carmela
Carmina a form of Carmen
Carminda a form of Carmen
Carona a form of Corona
Castel to the castle
Castora brilliant
Catalin a form of Caitlin
Catalina a form of Catherine
Catalonia a region of Spain
Cayetana native of the city of Gaeta, Italy
Cecilia Patron saint of music, also a form of C..
Celerina quick
Chalina a form of Rose
Chandelaria candle
Charo a familiar form of Rosa
Chavella a form of Isabel
Chela a form of Consuelo
Chelo a form of Consuelo
Chevelle a form of Chavella
Chiquita little one
Cinta a short form of Jacinta
Ciprina blessed by the goddess of love
Cira a form of Cyrilla
Ciro sun
Clara clear or "sure."
Clarinda bright; beautiful
Clarita a form of Clara
Clodovea a form of Clovis
Cochiti forgotten
Coco coconut
Coloma a form of Colomba
Colombia Geography: a country in South America
Concelia a form of Concepcion
Concepcion A name honoring the immaculate conceptio..
Concheta a form of Concetta
Conchita a form of Concepcion
Constanza a form of Constance
Consuela a form of Consuelo
Corazana a form of Corazon
Corazon heart. Former Phillipines president Co..
Corisanda flower of the heart
Corisande flower of the heart
Coro chorus
Covadonga cavern of the lady. Religion: large cave..
Crescenciana a form of Crescencia
Crisana a form of Crisantema
Crisanta a form of Crisantema
Cruzita a form of Cruz
Cucufata caped lady
Dalma a form of Dalmacia
Damasia a form of Dalmacia
Damesha a form of Damita
Damita small noblewoman
Danas a form of Dana
Danielan a form of Danielle
Deina religious holiday
Delfia dolphin. Religion: refers to the thirtee..
Delfina dolphin
Delicias delights
Delmira a form of Dalmira
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