English Baby Names

A list of Unique English Baby Names with Meanings


English is the most popular language in the world. And English baby names are also popular consequently. The British established colonies all over the world. Many countries in the world still carry the glorious heritage of the English. People from across the globe keep English baby names.

English is widely used in many countries of the world. English can be called the connecting language of the world. As many people can understand English, the meanings of the English kid names are also easy to understand.

There are also some striking differences in the baby names of USA, UK and Australia. Though these countries are English speaking countries, there are some slight differences in the English of these countries. And the most common English baby names are also different in these countries.

English is also widely used in India. Though India is predominantly a Hindu country, many people prefer English baby names in this country. Some people also regard the English child names as a status symbol. The English were the rulers of India. And of course their babies had English baby names. And many Indians started following the trends.

English baby names are common in many other countries in the world that were previously ruled by the British