Turkish Baby Names

Find Unique and Modern Turkish Baby Names for Boys and Girls With Meanings


Turkish is the national language of Turkey and it belongs to the Altaic language family. Turkish was originally written in the Arabic script but since 1928 it has been written in a variant of the Roman alphabet. Thus, Turkish baby names are derived from Arabic names also. Turkish baby names generally exists in "full name" format and their may be more than one forename. Turkish baby names consists Ad as a forename which is gender specific and is given to a baby just after the child is born.

Turkish baby names have a specific meaning in the Turkish language and can be easily differentiated from names of other cultures. In Turkish countries even other minority communities such as the Jews and the Greeks though having names in their own mother tongue tend to give Turkish baby names in order to avoid any kind of conflict. Muslim Turkish parents are inclined towards giving a second Arabic name to their baby which signifies their religion. Such Arabic baby names are the names of great religious figures such as Muhammad and Ali which are modified sometimes according to the preferences of the parents and these results into Turkish baby names such as Mehmet which has been derived from Muhammad and Ayse which has been derived from Aisha.