Muslim Baby Names

Find Unique and Modern Muslim Baby Names With Meanings

A new born baby is a carrier of happiness and the family line in any culture. A Muslim parent has the same feelings of bliss after he is blessed with the birth of a baby and the whole family gets prepared in conferring their infant with a suitable Muslim baby name. In the Islamic tradition, a child no matter where ever he is born is called in a new name- their ancient Arabic language. Muslim baby names are often kept in combination with the names of prophets or Gods or either from history.

However, with the advent of modernization, certain traditional and modern names have also been incorporated in this regard. It is very important that a child should be named in a very honorable manner in the Muslim society. The New born gets his name after the prophet chooses a name which is good and meaningful for him. Incase if the meaning is unfavorable and unpleasant, the prophet can tell them to change the name. The righteous meaning of the baby's name signifies the blessings which the infant receives through his name. So find out the best and the beautiful Muslim baby names for your child and bless him with a life of virtuous living. Christian baby names exists everywhere. Some localized Christian child names are also found. There are some regional places that have significance in Christian philosophy. Such Christian kids names are also popular in many parts of the world.